Axl Low, the strangely British time traveler! He's primarily, from what I could gather, a hardcore zoning character as he can cover most of the screen with some of his basic attacks.
Both of these combos cover about the same basics so I decided to stick them together, much in the same way that I did them at the same time. While attempting them, whenever the opponent hit the corner, I'd try the throw combo and whenever not, I'd do the regular one. Eventually, I got em both down but it was far more difficult than it needed to be because I randomly have fits of not being able to do motions for some reason. It's a mental thing I think.
The bottom combo starts with what I have gathered as Axl's standard starter, c.K, c.D, Rensen Geki. His Rensen Geki is a charge move and carries a few variations depending on whether you hit up or down afterwards but in this example, I simply FRC'd it. After that it's just a simple run up into f.p and after that into a nice series of slow, double hit chain attacks, the second of which is jump cancelable.
Jump, follow up and the rest more or less explains itself. Abuse the crap out of his force break Axl Bomber which launches both myself and the opponent upwards while also letting you continue on after it, it's really quite lovely. Depending on the combo you're watching, I end with either the normal Axl Bomber (Along with another Rensen Geki with the down variation I was talking about.) or Axl's giant 360 slash Kokuu Geki.
Starting slow and simple with Axl since I screwed up Ky so bad. That and I haven't had much free time.