Monday, December 5, 2011

BA2 Maxter: Unshown GIF

I didn't show this GIF at any point on a forum because to be honest, I wasn't happy with it. I was aware of Maxter's infinite potential but I was trying to make a more practical looking BnB because unlike the other Gundams, his infinite actually requires some effort. However, I never spent much time on it and just did this half-assed thing which is more or less just the beginning of the infinite only ending the combo with a tornado punch.

If you cannot gather what the infinite it is from this GIF, it's essentially just a series of dashes and jabs. Numerous Gundams have specials in this game that are designed for movement, and several with a command dash like what Maxter has, allowing them to cancel a move into a dash. However, Maxter also has the fastest jab in the game, more or less forcing his opponent into a static state in the air without rising or falling or getting the chance to fall out of hitstun if you dash in fast enough.

What this GIF does show however is the type of universal grab that is unique to Battle Assault 1&2. You'll see it at the beginning. Rather than a typical grab, it's more of an electric pulse which stuns the opponent's Gundam for a few seconds, allowing for a free combo of near any sort. I've commented before on my dislike of even command grabs that allow you to combo too effectively after them but this grab is actually quite balanced. First off, it's slow, you can vividly see the animation and dodge it in time. Second, it can only be done at point blank range and third, it leaves you vulnerable for a long enough time to make it risky.

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