Monday, December 5, 2011

Past Pyscho Gundam nightmares!

This GIF is a replay of my past, though a bit distorted. Way back when I played BA2 a lot with my brother, he would often test my skill by playing Psycho Gundam, a near impossible to beat boss when humanly controlled. It cannot be hitstunned outside of when it overheats, it has ABSURD damage resistance and damage -- taking off about a bar of HP with any of it's specials. It was a cruel test but I always enjoyed it.

However, Wing Gundam was never my gundam of choice but for "filming" this GIF it was the easiest choice. I liked the idea of utilizing all of Wing's various ranged attacks and fleeing consistently. And since I was controlling both of these gundams at the same time with one controller, I couldn't use my beloved Zaku II-S. Which, ironically, I haven't made a GIF for yet.

I do want to do a GIF of this again using my Zaku II-S but I definitely couldn't control both myself as the Zaku II-S is the faster gundam in the game in terms of boost speed. I would be flying around all of the place and that's hard enough when controlling one character.

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