Wednesday, December 14, 2011

GWED Deathscythe Gundam: Backattack combo.

This is such a snazzy looking combo, I adore it. However, behind each great looking combo in this game are millions of little things that make doing it so extraordinarily difficult. Before I delve into that, I should also state that this combo (I believe) can only be done on a back attack and a crouching opponent. (More hitstun but I may be talking out of my ass, I never tried doing this on a normally standing opponent.)

Now I mentioned in the last GIF how I would be using a slower emulation speed to perform these combos and now let me explain why that is. Now what may look like a seamless combo from attack to another is actually a series of small one frame stops in order to connect each attack together. The first part of this begins when I use Drill Shield for the second time. (My favorite special in the game, teleports you upon hit if you use the heavy version of it.) This timing actually isn't all that bad and in-fact, I would say this entire combo could be done consistently if you practice enough but I'm too lazy to practice a combo for a game I'm only passing through. 
Anyways, as I was saying, the second drill shield needs to be delayed a couple frames, canceling into it right away results in it only hitting twice which is not enough for your to boost upwards in time, cancel too late and the gundam either regains himself and can block it or hits the ground. 

Now after that shield is thrown we must boost the moment we teleport but we also need to make sure not to attack right away! We need to glide to the right for a moment and wait until the last possible moment, utilizing all of our previous attack's hitstun before attacking. Once in that distance, we slash and the moment we hit the ground we cancel into that light shield swing but before we cancel into that scythe swing, we must wait exactly 1 frame. Canceling into it right away results in the swing whiffing and too late and the hitstun is worn off. The reason we need to wait 1 frame is so the opponent's gundam falls just 1 pixel more so it can hit. 

After landing that we instantly boost, wait just a moment as before -- being sure to glide a tiny bit closer and utilize the hitstun of our previous attack before attacking with a heavy kick. Depending on your distance, you can either cancel into your special spinning scythe or your super which is more or less the same thing with more range. In my case, I used the super. 

All in all though, though I used an emulator to perform this, this combo for the most part is quite doable at a normal speed. The only real tricky part is after the second shield is thrown.

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