Monday, December 12, 2011

BA3 Wing Gundam Custom: Blaster Link Combo

A fairly simple combo for Wing gundam consisting of nothing more than a boost-in kick, a target combo and a somewhat tricky blaster link. The blaster timing is a bit tight, too early and it misses, too late and it whiffs. This combo can only be done on Health-based opponents. (more on that later.)But the real beauty of this GIF is that it gives me a lot to talk about -- hurray for me!

Let's start with the most obvious part of this GIF, the upgrade system. This is a nice mechanic in the game which I found myself quite enjoying. Pressing select will put your gundam into a crouching state, during which time you have to input a random code of inputs which get progressively longer for the first 3 upgrades. Being hit during this state stops the input and your chance to upgrade.

Now what for the upgrades do...
The first upgrade alters your heavy attacks to make them do more hits and have more damage. Along with that, they also add a nice little effect to your sword/fists!
The second upgrade alters your ranged attacks, making them larger and more powerful.
The third upgrade doubles your boost capacity which even makes boosting out of attacks not use up all of your boost energy.
The fourth and each subsequent upgrade restores a small bit of health/armor.


Now a keen person may be wondering why I had to upgrade to do that combo and no, it's not simply because I wanted to do more damage, it is actually necessary. The reason for it is because the second upgrade not only increases the size and damage of Wing's buster rifle but also increases the hitstun. While normally against Master Gundam that rifle would only make him take normal hitstun, that upgrade made him take a type 2 hitstun where he stumbles 180 degrees off-balance. Why does this only work on Master Gundam and those like him you may wonder now -- that leads me into my next mechanic...

Armor and Health and unsurprisingly two different things and as such, they are in BA3 as well. Some gundam in this game will use health, some armor and some a 50/50 mix of both. The difference of them is as such...

Gundams struck by projectiles who still have armor will have that hitstun reduced by 1, as such most projectiles will actually cause no hitstun and only a flinch. Armored gundams take less damage and when their armor reaches 0, will power down during an invincible animation where the color of their gundam drains away. (As such, it's impossible to kill a gundam who still has armor left because once their armor runs out, they'll fly out of your combo and power down)

Gundams with health suffer from everything at 100% of it's worth.


Now that all of the mechanics about the GIF are done and since this is my last BA3 GIF out at the moment, let's talk about a few more mechanics in the game which I didn't or won't ever get the chance to show!

Random BA3 mechanics time...

The energy meter in this game is something that is used for a variety of things but for the most part simply projectile attacks and boosting. When you stop using it it will recover after a second or two. 

Boosting in this game provides a lot of movement options. You can boost straight up, side to side, back or towards your opponent. Doing so uses a decent chunk of your energy meter but you can also hold down your boost button to hover and while it won't provide the speed that boosting with double taps does, it only drains your bar slowly. 

If you have even 1 energy left in your bar, you can press boost while in hit-stun to boost away from the opponent and out of their combo. However, it reduces your energy to zero for a few seconds before it will recover. This can also be baited out by a high-level player. Something else of note is that if you achieve upgrade 3, boosting out of hit-stun only uses half of the bar -- really, if someone reaches upgrade 3 during a match, they win unless you also get to 3 because they will fly out of all of your combos and still have the energy to maneuver around. Still, it's a fun high flying match!

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