Monday, December 12, 2011

BA2 Rose Gundam: Rose funnels everywhere!
(Apologies for the low frame rate in this GIF, it was long.)

A Rose Gundam combo based almost entirely off of attacks that wield no launch properties.

This combo showcases two things I'd like to talk about, the first being Funnels. A neat little special attack that is given to a decent number of the cast of all of the battle assault games (except 3 where only 1 has funnels) are funnels which are small destructible turrets of sorts. You release these when it's safe to do so and (if they're not destroyed) deploy them when you feel the need to do so. When deployed, they launch towards your opponent and shoot two (usually) bursts of shots that do normally do not chain together. They're very useful, being a good way to link attacks together if you're skilled enough to do so and also amazing for defense for stopping a combo on you or preventing some sort of ranged assault by applying pressure beyond your own gundam. 

In this GIF, you'll see the 3 small roses at the start which would be Rose gundam's funnels. (shocking!) I use them in this combo to link attacks together after firing my vulcan. The timing is quite tight as if you launch them too soon, you won't recover from your attack in time and too late results in them already finishing their assault. 

The second and quite simple thing I'd like to point out is that this combo features a back attack which in BA2's case, increases the hitstun of the opponent by what I would wager is about 2 frames. It's what allows me to chain my vulcan into my combo as well as perform (more consistently anyway) the various jump-ins to continue the combo. 

-Side Note- I find Rose Gundam to be probably the most natural character for me to play now despite my beloved ZakuII-S being my go-to gundam of choice when I originally played this game.

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